Tuesday, July 5, 2011

details from the stoop

I've been really enjoying the front steps lately, especially with tea and morning sun.  It's not quite a porch, but it works for me. I like to think that living in an apartment has been good for my self consciousness.

Somehow managed to stay up all night Sunday puttering around with various projects.  I couldn't sleep so I instead watched a movie about sleep in which a man's dreamtime blurs with reality.  It was a surreal night. I did some sun salutations to welcome the first faint glow over the horizon, and went out for a much anticipated bloody mary. Bend was in rare form yesterday for the 4th, freedom bikers and river floaters and dogs in hoards! Sunburns, grass yoga, beet pasta, rooftop fireworks and night time sprinkler running all happened, and I powered it out late. There's a certain joy I get from going without sleep and watching night illuminate into day. Things are changing fast these days.

So tomorrow I'm off to a 10 day vipassana meditation retreat. It's something I've wanted to do for a while, and what better time than now? I'm nervous about the long hours of sitting, and the 4am wakeup bell. I'm curious as to where my mind will go. I'm hoping to gain self-discipline and have experiences that I don't understand. I'm also looking forward to being around some ladies, it's been a lot of dude time lately.

Here I go!


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